C1 Revue: Racing to Zero
The path towards a clean energy future entails reducing our carbon footprint. But can we actually shrink that footprint down to nothing? That’s the idea behind “net zero” – using no more energy than the clean, green energy we can create. Landfills are another target of the zero movement; put nothing at all in the trash bin. Solutions range from recycling competitions to carrying your trash on your back – just to feel how garbage is weighing us down. Around the country, states, communities and individuals are racing to zero.
Part 1: Net Zero Homes
Sven Thesen, Owner of a net zero home
Ann Edminster, Green Home Consultant; Author, Energy Free: Homes for a Small Planet
Daniel Simons, Principal, David Baker Architects
Part 2: Net Zero Waste
Diana Dehm, Founder, Trash on Your Back
Kevin Drew, Residential Zero Waste Coordinator, San Francisco Department of the Environment
Lauren Hennessy, Outreach Manager, Sustainable Stanford
Part 3: Competition for Power
Matthew Freedman, Staff Attorney, The Utility Reform Network
Geof Syphers, CEO, Sonoma Clean Power
Dawn Weisz, CEO, Marin Clean Energy