Climate One TV: New Wheels In Town

Stuart Cohen

Sanjay Dastoor

Megan Rose Dickey
What’s with all the electric scooters, skateboards and bicycles? Scooter bros suddenly seem to be everywhere in San Francisco, Washington, DC, Seattle and other cities. Some think they’re cool, some tweet angrily about #Scootersbehavingbadly.
Ride-hailing companies are also moving to two wheels. Uber bought the bike sharing company Jump and Lyft followed suit by scooping up Motivate, which operates bike sharing services in San Francisco, Boston, Chicago, New York and other cities. Is an electric skateboard company next?
As companies jockey to offer a suite of transportation options what is the future of urban mobility? Are these new urban toys really solving the notorious first-mile and last-mile problem?
Join us for a conversation with Stuart Cohen, Sanjay Dastoor and Megan Rose Dickey about new wheels in town and what they mean for getting around town and cutting carbon emissions
Dockless Bike Share 5:16
Electric Scooters 9:00
Why Scooters Now? 16:41
Zombie Cars? 20:37
Lightning Round! 21:53