Climate One TV: Naturally Wired and Youth Action on Climate

Nooshin Razani

Phil Ginsburg

Rebecca Johnson

Isha Clarke

Sarah Goody
In an increasingly urbanized and digitized world, many people live separated from nature. Today we’re discussing engaging with nature in the digital age. Melting glaciers and changing ecosystems provided some of the earliest signals that humans are changing our environment on a global scale, and at an unprecedented speed but in an increasingly urbanized and digitize world many people are separated from mother nature and they don't deeply understand how climate impacts them around them.
And later in the show:
Although many climate conversations talk about impacts on future generations, all too often those younger generations are not at the table or in the room. So how are young people taking charge of their climate future? For Isha Clarke, a high school student and activist from Oakland, California, by speaking truth to the senior U.S. Senator from her state.
“I think that truth is respectful and that you can speak truth in a way that is compassionate and authentic,” says Clarke, who recently gained fame for a viral video in which she confronts Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein over the Green New Deal.
“I think the conversation now isn’t really about Senator Feinstein anymore,” Clarke says as she reflects on that experience and the ensuing coverage, “it's really about politicians in general and power holders in general, who aren’t and haven't been taking the necessary steps to reverse this climate crisis."
Feeling a similar frustration at her elders’ failure to act more urgently, 14-year old Sarah Goody organized a climate strike in San Francisco. “Why study for a future that’s not gonna exist?” says Sarah in response to passers-by who question why she’s sitting on a sidewalk rather than in a classroom, “I need to be here now and fighting now for my future.”
Sitting alone outside iconic buildings can be a lonely endeavor, so other slightly-less young activists have found their climate calling by getting involved in more organized movements.
Connected to Nature 3:22
Screen Time 5:54
People in nature with their phone 9:04
Youth Action on Climate 14:47
Fighting for the Future Now 20:41