Mark Zoback

Professor of Geophysics, Stanford

Mark Zoback insists that fracking must be regulated, just like any other industrial process, otherwise the harm will outweigh the good. As a distinguished Professor of Geophysics at Stanford University, he conducts research on fault mechanics, and reservoir geomechanics with an emphasis on shale gas and the feasibility of long-term geologic storage of CO2 and the occurrence of induced and triggered earthquakes. With this experience, he served on the National Academy of Energy committee investigating the Deepwater Horizon accident.

Zoback recently served on the Secretary of Energy’s committee on shale gas development and environmental protection. He earned the 2015 Robert J. Berg Award for Outstanding Research from the American Association of Petroleum Geologists.



Fracking Boom

April 1, 2014
America is in the midst of a fracking boom. Most new oil and gas wells in this country are drilled using hyrdraulic fracturing, the injection of a...

Fracked Nation

April 2, 2013
With a thriving natural gas market in the U.S., oil and energy companies are in a race for fracking rights across the country. The fracking...