Jonathan Foley

Executive Director, Project Drawdown

Jonathan Foley, Ph.D., is the executive director of Project Drawdown, the world's leading resource for climate solutions. He is a world-renowned environmental scientist, sustainability expert, author, and public speaker whose work focuses on understanding our changing planet and increasing the adoption of the most promising solutions to sustain the climate, ecosystems, and natural resources we all depend on.



Climate One TV: Michael Mann

March 27, 2018 On today’s program, when Michael Mann and colleagues published the infamous “hockey stick papers” in 1999, he soon found himself under...

On the Ice with Michael Mann

January 17, 2018
The so-called hockey stick papers, published in 1999, ignited an assault on the science of climate change that still rages to this day. But lead...

New Food Revolution

November 6, 2014
The amount of food needed to feed the earth’s growing population is expected to double by mid-century. How will we manage the world’s food...