Daniel Raimi is a Fellow at Resources for the Future and a lecturer at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan. He works on a range of energy policy issues with a focus on tools to enable an equitable energy transition. He has published in academic journals including Science, Science Advances, Environmental Science and Technology, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Energy Research and Social Science, and Energy Policy, popular outlets including The New Republic, Newsweek, Slate, and Fortune, and presented his research for policymakers, industry and other stakeholders around the United States and internationally, including before the Energy and Mineral Resources Subcommittee of the US House's Natural Resources Committee. The Fracking Debate, his first book, combines stories from his travels to dozens of oil and gas producing regions with a detailed examination of key policy issues, and is published by Columbia University Press as part of the Columbia University Center on Global Energy Policy book series.