Carla Frisch is the Acting Executive Director and Principal Deputy Director of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Policy; she has served in this capacity since February 2021. As the leader of the DOE Office of Policy, Frisch is on point for domestic energy and climate policy. She works closely with the White House and Capitol Hill. She previously led the U.S. Program at RMI, focusing on state, city, and business climate action. Before joining RMI, Frisch worked at DOE for ten years directing policy and analysis offices focused on climate and environment, energy efficiency, renewable energy, clean transportation, and electricity systems. Frisch has worked extensively on climate vulnerabilities and solutions, including on the National Climate Assessment and U.S. Midcentury Strategy. She holds a Master of Environmental Management from Duke University and a B.A. from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is an Adjunct Professor at Northwestern University.

The Inflation Reduction Act Passed. Now What?

2021: This Year in Climate