Yvette Pena-O'Sullivan
Executive Director, Office of the General President, LiUNA
Yvette Pena-O’Sullivan is Executive Director out of the Office of the General President of the Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA). Yvette joined LIUNA in May of 2013. She proudly represents the more than 500,000 men and women of LIUNA on Capitol Hill on issues ranging from energy and transportation infrastructure to immigration, health care and pensions. She oversees the Legislative and Political Department, the PAC Department; and the Strategic Communications Department. In this capacity she manages the staff of these Departments and advises the General President on the policy and strategy around the issues that impact LIUNA and its members.
Prior to coming to LIUNA, Yvette worked for the Blue Green Alliance from 2009-2013 as the organization’s Legislative Director and then Deputy Director. In a short time she established a strong presence on Capitol Hill and the Federal Government for the Blue Green Alliance on issues related to climate change, energy policy, quality jobs, transportation, and workers’ rights. Yvette worked closely day to day with BGA’s Labor and Environmental partners and was responsible for the overseeing of the development of BGA’s policies.