Tamara Toles O’Laughlin is an environmental advocate focused on people and planet. Her niche in environmental work is developing capacity building programs and creating multimedia campaigns to dismantle privilege and increase opportunities for vulnerable populations to access health air, clean energy, and a toxic free economy at the local, regional and national level. O’Laughlin is the North American Director at 350.org, where she drives regional strategy in the United States and Canada. As the leader of 350’s programming she leads mission critical work and organizational investments to build a multiracial, multi-generational climate movement that is capable of holding our leaders accountable to science and justice.
O’Laughlin casts a wide net in service to community. Among her activities, she is a co-chair of the Green Leadership Trust, chair and state representative on the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, and chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Women’s Voices for the Earth based in Missoula, Montana.
O’Laughlin graduated from the Vermont Law School in 2009, with a Juris Doctor and masters of Environmental Law and Policy with a concentration in energy generation and carbon constraint. She has worked for over fifteen years to embed the principles of environmental justice into environmental work, with attention to community capacity building, mobilization, equity in enforcement, and environmental health. Prior to joining 350.org. Tamara was executive director of the Maryland Environmental Health Network in Baltimore, Maryland, where she championed its mission to promote the elimination of environmental threats to human health.

How Activism Can Win Bigger and Faster with Kumi Naidoo

Breaking Through: A Year of Climate Conversations