Parin Shah leads up and advances the Asian Pacific Environmental Network’s (APEN’s) environmental justice policy portfolio. While at APEN, Shah has worked to advance equitable energy and climate justice policy – including SB 350, AB 197, SB 32, AB 693 and AB 1288. Prior to Asian Pacific Environmental Network Parin Shah was with Green For All where he worked with cities and counties on equity and environmental policy. In 2004, he founded the Urban Accords Institute, which in 2005 co-hosted the UN World Environment Day in San Francisco out of which was developed the Urban Environmental Accords - a road map for creating green cities.
From 2000-04 as the President of the Commission on the Environment for the City and County of San Francisco, Shah co-authored ground-breaking legislation on climate change, environmental justice, wetlands conservation and restoration, zero waste, green buildings and food security. Shah has also developed and managed habitat restoration projects, horticultural education and job-training programs for formerly incarcerated youth and adults in San Francisco.

California's Climate Crusade
August 30, 2017
Some environmentalists said the law extending California’s cap and trade system to 2030 is a sellout to the oil industry and it shortchanges...