Nathanael Johnson is an electrician who lives in Berkeley, California with his wife and two daughters. He was previously a journalist at the climate-focused magazine, Grist, and has published two books: "All Natural" and "Unseen City". He’s written pieces for a bunch of fancy magazines and radio shows, which have won some awards that sound more important than they really are.
He is working toward his electrical certification as a trainee at Cazden Electric.

Six People Who've Changed Jobs for Climate
November 17, 2023
One of the most common questions people ask about climate is: what can I do? Some people change their light bulbs, drive EVs and change their...

GMOs: Necessary in a Hot and Crowded World?
June 12, 2014
Biotechnology promises weed-resistant crops, bigger yields, more food for a growing population. But are genetically modified fruits and vegetables...