Liane Randolph has spent most of her career in public service, specializing in environmental law and policy, effective administration, and a commitment to transparency and public process. She was appointed Chair of the California Air Resources Board by Governor Gavin Newsom in December 2020. As Chair, Randolph presides over the Board’s decisions alongside her fellow Board Members and works closely with the Executive Officer to oversee CARB’s work. Randolph also meets frequently with CARB's many partners and stakeholders and represents CARB on the local, national, and international stage.
During her time as Chair, CARB has expanded its focus on equity issues and solutions, and the Board has adopted landmark climate and environmental policies, including the 2022 Scoping Plan laying out California’s path to carbon neutrality by 2045, and regulations that will accelerate the transition to a zero-emission transportation system.
Prior to her work at CARB, Randolph served as a Commissioner at the California Public Utilities Commission from 2015 to 2021 and managed numerous decisions on energy efficiency, integrated energy resource planning, and regulation of transportation network companies, as well as spearheading significant Commission policy reforms. Prior to the PUC, Randolph served from 2011 to 2014 as Deputy Secretary and General Counsel at the California Natural Resources Agency, where she worked on a wide variety of legal and policy issues, including work on the Klamath Dam Removal agreement, CEQA guidelines, and the Agency’s first Tribal Consultation Policy.
Randolph’s first role with the State was as Chair of the California Fair Political Practices Commission from 2003 to 2007. Her work at the state level builds on experience with local government that she gained while practicing municipal law as a contract City Attorney for Suisun City and San Leandro.
Randolph earned a Juris Doctor degree from the University of California, Los Angeles School of Law and lives in Oakland with her husband and family. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, running, and reading.

Climate One TV: Is California on Track for an Affordable and Just Energy Transition?
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