Laura Tam

Sustainable Development Policy Director, SPUR

Laura Tam envisions a Bay Area that is prepared for the rising sea level. As the Sustainable Development Policy Director at Spur, Tam works to improve climate resilience and reduce the environmental footprint of cities. As a thought leader on climate adaptation and water management, she has produced and participated in numerous public programs, citywide task forces, major research reports and advocacy recommending strategies for sea level rise, water efficiency and reuse, green infrastructure and reducing climate-change emissions.

Tam currently serves on the board of directors of Friends of the Urban Forest, the board of the Green Infrastructure Foundation and the advisory council of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. Prior to working at SPUR, she worked for the EPA.



Resilient Cities

October 6, 2015
El Niño is waiting in the wings, and heat waves, sea level rise and drought are in the forecast as well. How prepared are we to weather the next...

Rising Seas, Rising Costs

February 12, 2014
Swelling sea levels used to be a concern associated with future generations and faraway lands. Then Superstorm Sandy poured the Atlantic Ocean...