John Gable is co-founder and CEO of AllSides. He often writes about bias, news media, polarization, and how technology impacts these things, or offers a perspective generally overlooked about controversial topics. Recently, his writings have been published by The Christian Science Monitor, The Huffington Post and The Cook Political Report.
Most relevant to his current position, Gable was the PM Team Lead for Netscape Navigator, the iconic web browser, and previous to that had a career in politics, working for three US Senators (each served as Senate Majority Leaders), one President, and a national political party. But most of Gable's career has been in technology. In addition to being on the original team for Mozilla while at Netscape, he also joined the original teams for Microsoft Office in Seattle and ZoneAlarm for Check Point Software in San Francisco. He also co-founded Kavi Corporation, an early provider of web-based applications and online collaboration.

Another Look at Bridging the Great American Divide