Environmentalist Huey D. Johnson founded—and currently chairs—the Resource Renewal Institute following his service as California Secretary of Resources in the Brown Administration (1978 -1982). Johnson also founded The Trust for Public Land and The Grand Canyon Trust, as well as the international arm of the Green Belt Movement.
His pioneering policy, Investing for Prosperity, was one of the first comprehensive and long-term environmental plans in existence. His other policies and land acquisitions helped define much of the land trust movement that has flourished over the past three decades. Among numerous awards, Johnson received the United Nations Sasakawa Environment Prize in 2001, capping five decades of success building political coalitions to achieve substantive policy change, and the 2009 Armory Pugsley Medal for outstanding promotion and development of public parks in the United States. Johnson remains an authority on environmental policy and sustainability in his late 70's. He lives with his wife Susan near San Francisco, CA.

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California has long been on the frontlines of environmental protection. These days, however, the state is also on the frontlines of a destabilized...

Climate One TV: California Greenin' and Going Carbon Neutral
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California Greenin': Shaping America’s Environment
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California. Land of sunshine and seashore. In an effort to protect the state’s magnificent landscape, California has led the country in...