Gloria Walton is President & CEO of Strategic Concepts in Organizing and Policy Education (SCOPE), a South LA-based community organization widely recognized as a leader in the development of cutting-edge strategies to ensure that black and brown, poor and working-class communities have an equal voice in the democratic process. Under Walton’s leadership, SCOPE successfully advocated to pass a set of landmark climate bills that set targets to reduce greenhouse gases by 2030; bring accountability and transparency to state climate agencies and top polluters.
Walton currently serves on several Boards and is a Founding Advisory Board member of a national collaborative known as BOLD (Black Organizing for Leadership & Dignity). Additionally, she holds a Governor-appointed seat on the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research Integrated Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Program Technical Advisory Council.
Walton is the recipient of many awards, including the NAACP-LA’s Empowerment Award, the LA League of Conservation Voters Environmental Justice Champion Award, and the Center for Community Change’s Champion in Community Organizing Award.

Climate One TV: Best Of 100 Episodes
December 30, 2018
Climate One has reached the milestone of 100 TV episodes. Please join us on a look back some highlights! #letstalkclimate Al Gore 1:07 Bill Nye...

Climate One TV: Let's Talk Solutions: Global Climate Action Summit
November 8, 2018
On the eve of the Global Climate Action Summit (GCAS), we started the conversation about how solutions could be led by states, cities, businesses...