Now, in her 12th year with Communities for a Better Environment (CBE), Darryl Molina Sarmiento embodies CBE’s leadership ladder, having first started at the age of 18 when she took one of the organization's Toxic Tours. Later, in 2005, she formally joined CBE as Southern California’s Youth Program coordinator. In 2011, Sarmiento transitioned into the role of CBE’s Southern California program director and was at the helm of successful community-based campaigns against the fossil fuel industry and against toxic polluters such as Exide Technologies.
Sarmiento was instrumental in leading the passage of Clean Up Green Up, a City of Los Angeles ordinance that is one of the first Environmental Justice Green Zone Policies in the nation. She has worked on the passage of statewide energy and climate policy, and has worked to advance local clean energy and transportation goals. Darryl graduated from UCLA with a B.A. in Asian American Studies. After graduating, she worked for the AFL-CIO Labor Union and Pilipino Workers Center of Los Angeles. She previously served on the board of The California Fund for Youth Organizing.

Breaking Through: A Year of Climate Conversations