Chase Purdy is a New York-based journalist and author of Billion Dollar Burger, a narrative non-fiction book published by Penguin Random House that documents the rise of cell-cultured meat and the global race to get it to market.
He’s written about the business and technology of food for Quartz, and the politics of food for POLITICO. His stories have appeared in The New York Times and in newspapers across the United States — collected from courtrooms, crime scenes, laboratories, and the halls of government. He is a New America fellow. When not scribbling in a notebook or tweaking a lede, he can be found in his kitchen or playing a game of shesh besh.

Breaking Through: A Year of Climate Conversations

Climate One TV: COVID19 Food Implications and Billion Dollar Burger
September 24, 2020
Will COVID-19 change our food system for good? Increased coronavirus outbreaks in food markets, food plants, and farm worker communities have...