Ashel Eldridge

Education and Leadership Manager, Alliance for Climate Education

Ashel Eldridge sees the hyperlocal movement as a natural reaction to the dread of climate change. Originally from Chicago, Eldridge is a frontman emcee, producer, and the founder of Earth Amplified, a collective which performs conscious music, poetry and spiritual activism nationally. Earth Amplified now throws a monthly urban culture and health event series called System Out of Our System (S.O.S.) Juice, a for-profit and non-profit hybrid that sells juice and compost, promoting health and sustainable agriculture through green jobs for low-income youth.

Eldridge is also an educator with the Alliance for Climate Education in Oakland, CA, and a Green For All Fellow. He is a co-founder of United Roots, Oakland’s Green Youth Arts and Media Center, where he serves as the Health and Sustainability Coordinator.



Climate in the Classroom

March 25, 2014
Today’s teenagers, also known as Millenials or Generation Y, now have a new moniker: Greenagers. That’s because they are coming of age in an...