Arvind Ravikumar is the co-Director of the Energy Emissions Modeling and Data Lab (EEMDL) at the University of Texas at Austin and a Research Associate Professor in the Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering. He has published over 50 articles in peer-reviewed journals, primarily in the areas of greenhouse gas emissions measurements and energy systems analysis.
Dr. Ravikumar has been a lead investigator for several large-scale, field campaigns in the US and Canada on methane emissions from oil and gas supply chain and evaluating new technologies for monitoring greenhouse gases. He routinely advises state and federal governments, provides expert testimony in Congress on greenhouse gas emissions from energy supply chains, and currently serves on the US Department of Transportation’s Gas Pipeline Advisory Committee.
Dr. Ravikumar is a Senior Associate with the Center for Strategic and International Studies and graduated with a Ph.D. from Princeton University.