Anthony Myint works to mobilize the restaurant industry and allies in the public and private sectors to support healthy soil as a solution to the climate crisis. He is also a chef, who won the 2019 Basque Culinary World Prize for his work with Zero Foodprint. He has co-founded many restaurants and restaurant-adjacent projects, including: Mission Street Food, Mission Chinese Food, Mission Cantina, Mission Burger, Lt. Waffle, Commonwealth, and The Perennial. Anthony was nominated for a James Beard Award for Outstanding Restaurateur in 2019 and won the Basque Culinary World Prize for 2019-20.

Climate Smart Agriculture with Secretary Tom Vilsack
February 17, 2023
From tilling soil to fertilizer use to belching and farting cows, agriculture is a major climate polluter, responsible for around 11 percent of...

Farm to Table 2.0: Chefs Cutting Carbon
August 24, 2018
Can a menu at a fancy restaurant be a map for solving the climate challenge? A handful of high-end chefs are using their restaurants to show how...