Amy Myers Jaffe is a leading expert on global energy policy, energy and sustainability, and geopolitical risk. She is a research professor and Managing Director of the Climate Policy Lab at Tufts University Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Prior to joining Tufts Fletcher School, Jaffe was the David M. Rubenstein Senior Fellow for Energy and the Environment and Director of the Program on Energy Security and Climate Change. Jaffe also has served as the executive director for Energy and Sustainability at the University of California Davis and as senior advisor to the Office of the Chief Investment Officer of the University California Regents. Jaffe is currently co-chair of the steering committee of the Women in Energy Initiative at the Center for Global Energy Policy at Columbia University. She has taught energy policy, business and sustainability courses at Rice University, UC Davis and Yale University.

2022: This Year in Climate

Playing With Fire: Russia, Ukraine and the Geopolitics of Energy

Breaking Through: A Year of Climate Conversations

COVID-19 and Climate: Economic Impacts
A Paris Progress Report

Trumping the Climate: Coming in Hot

Resource Revolution