Amanda Little's reporting on energy and climate change has taken her to ultra deep oil rigs, down manholes, into sewage plants, and inside monsoon clouds. She is a professor of journalism and writer-in-residence at Vanderbilt University, and is the author of Power Trip: The Story of America's Love Affair With Energy and The Fate of Food. Her work has appeared in the New York Times Magazine, Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone, Wired, Bloomberg Businessweek, New York, and the Washington Post.
Little has interviewed key figures on all sides of the climate debate, including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John McCain and James Inhofe. She has been working in online media since 1996, when she was the first employee of the first online magazine, FEED. Little serves on the Board of Trustees for Fisk University and lives near campus with her husband, a composer and music supervisor, and their kids.

REWIND: Fate of Food / Plate to Planet