Adam Browning

Adam Browning

Executive VP, Forum Mobility

Adam Browning is a seasoned cleantech and non-profit executive, with deep experience in changemaking, clean energy and climate justice policy, legislative campaigns, regulatory processes, grassroots advocacy, collaborative partnerships, communications, and fundraising. 

Browning is now the Executive Vice President of Forum Mobility, a private start-up working to electrify heavy-duty fleets and bring zero-emission goods-movement solutions to U.S. ports.

Previously, Browning was the co-founder and former Executive Director of Vote Solar, a national non-profit advocacy organization with the mission of a 100% clean and equitable energy system in the US. Founded in 2002, Vote Solar played a central role in making solar a mainstream energy source in the US, and now has a staff of over 40 changemakers working on state-level clean energy campaigns in 27 states.

Browning is on the board of Power for All, an international non-profit working to bring distributed renewable energy to the approximately 1 billion people on the planet without power. He is a graduate of Swarthmore College and served in the Peace Corps in Guinea-Bissau


Trucks queue outside the port of Los Angeles and Long Beach

The Road to Zero Emission Trucking

August 25, 2023
As the build out of infrastructure for electric passenger vehicles gets underway, another segment of transportation is just starting down the road...

Solar Flare-ups

April 1, 2022
Solar power has become one of the cheapest sources of electricity and is viewed as a cornerstone of our clean energy future. But it wasn’t...