Recent Episodes

Paris City Hall decorated for the 2024 Summer Olympics

Going for Green at the Paris Games

July 26, 2024
The Summer Olympic Games are here! That means more than 300 events, ten thousand athletes and millions of spectators coming to watch. And the...
Voting booths ready for an election

What’s at Stake in November

July 19, 2024
There’s one tool nearly all of us have access to that can change the course of our climate future: voting.
Political leaders control vast...
A trowel atop a brick wall under construction

Adulting in Turbulent Times

June 14, 2024
Acting like a responsible adult can be challenging at the best of times. Add dealing with climate chaos to the mix, and keeping it all together...
A backpack in a field of flowers

Staycation: All I Ever Wanted

May 24, 2024
Summer is on its way, and for many people that means one thing: vacation. Traveling can offer some amazing experiences, but the carbon cost of...